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Technology details
Name: Steam explosion
Feedstock: lignocellulose, straws, wood

Steam explosion is a is a physicochemical method to break the lignocellulose structure by using high-pressure steam to disrupt the bonding between polymeric components (lignin, cellulose) and decompression to break the lignocellulose structure.


Steam explosion is used to pre-treat lignocellulosic biomass like wood, straw and lignocellulosic wastes for industrial processes. Normally the materal will get into the steam explosion process as chips, pellets or grinded materials.

Process and technologies

In steam explosion, the lignocellulose is treated with high-pressure hot steam for some time and then the vessel is rapidly depressurized to atmospheric pressure. With this explosive decompression and high temperature it causes degradation of hemicellulose, and it is extracted as water-soluble fraction. The cellulose is largely preserved in its original form, and only slight depolymerization occurs at mild reaction condition. The Lignin undergoes depolymerization by cleavage of β–O–4 linkages, and condensation of the fragments occurs to form a more stable polymer.[1]


Supercritical CO2


Steam explosion is a pre-treatment process that make biomass more suitable for following processes.

Technology providers






  1. , : Steam Explosion - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics , Last access 2021-08-30. https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/chemistry/steam-explosion