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Revision as of 11:50, 22 June 2021

The Pilots4U database groups all European open access bio-economy pilot- and multipurpose demo facilities under one, very visible and easily accessible network

History and structure

Initially in the network was built on six existing bio-economy pilot or multipurpose demo-infrastructure networks: Bio Base Europe Pilot Plant (SmartPilots), VTT (ERIFORE), Royal Institute of Technology KTH (BRISK2), Swansea University (Enalgae), Ghent University (Biorefine Cluster Europe) and NNFCC (as secretary of the BioPilotsUK initiative). The cluster organisation CLIC Innovation represented industry that contributed in cash to the project. The European Regions Research and Innovation Network with 125 member regions will attract interested European stakeholders (infrastructure owners and users) to get involved in the project, and NNFCC, the bio-economy consultant, is a professional, independent consultant who will lead the study.

Listed technologies with relevance to biowaste utilisation