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<onlyinclude>'''Municipal solid waste (MSW)''' is a waste type consisting of everyday items that are discarded by the public. In the European Union, the semantic definition is mixed municipal waste, given waste code 20 03 01 in the European Waste Catalog. Municipal waste consists mainly of waste generated by households, although it also includes similar waste from sources such as shops, offices and public institutions.  Although the waste may originate from a number of sources that has nothing to do with a municipality, the traditional role of municipalities in collecting and managing these kinds of waste have produced the particular etymology.</onlyinclude>
<onlyinclude>'''Municipal solid waste (MSW)''' is a waste type consisting of everyday items that are discarded by the public. In the European Union, the semantic definition is mixed municipal waste, given waste code 20 03 01 in the European Waste Catalog. Municipal waste consists mainly of waste generated by households, although it also includes similar waste from sources such as shops, offices and public institutions<ref>{{Cite web|Author=eurostat|year=2013|title=eurostat Statistics Explained - Glossary:Municipal waste|e-pub date=|date accessed=2021-08-03|url=https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/statistics-explained/index.php?title=Glossary:Municipal_waste}}</ref>.  Although the waste may originate from a number of sources that has nothing to do with a municipality, the traditional role of municipalities in collecting and managing these kinds of waste have produced the particular etymology.</onlyinclude>

== Occurrence and treatment ==
== Occurrence and treatment ==

Revision as of 14:16, 3 August 2021

Municipal solid waste (MSW) is a waste type consisting of everyday items that are discarded by the public. In the European Union, the semantic definition is mixed municipal waste, given waste code 20 03 01 in the European Waste Catalog. Municipal waste consists mainly of waste generated by households, although it also includes similar waste from sources such as shops, offices and public institutions[1]. Although the waste may originate from a number of sources that has nothing to do with a municipality, the traditional role of municipalities in collecting and managing these kinds of waste have produced the particular etymology.

Occurrence and treatment

Municipal waste management in 2018[2]
Area Municipal waste generated [kg/capita] Recycling (Material) [%] Recycling (Composting & digestion) [%] Disposal (Incineration and energy recovery) [%] Disposal (Landfill and other) [%]
EU-27 496 30 17 27 24
EU-28 492 30 17 28 23
Belgium 409 34 20 43 1
Bulgaria 407 30 2 7 61
Czechia 494 22 10 17 46
Denmark 814 32 18 49 1
Germany 606 49 18 32 1
Estonia 405 24 4 41 21
Ireland 598 29 8 43 14
Greece 515 15 5 2 78
Spain 475 18 17 12 54
France 535 25 20 34 20
Croatia 432 22 3 0 66
Italy 499 29 21 19 21
Cyprus 646 15 2 1 70
Lativa 407 19 6 2 59
Lithuania 464 24 28 13 25
Luxembourg 803 30 19 47 4
Hungary 381 29 8 13 50
Malta 663 10 0 0 83
Netherlands 511 27 29 43 1
Austria 579 25 32 39 2
Poland 329 26 8 24 42
Portugal 507 12 17 18 48
Romania 272 8 3 4 81
Slovenia 486 43 16 10 10
Slovakia 414 27 9 8 55
Finland 551 29 13 57 1
Sweden 434 30 16 53 1
Iceland 702 0 0 5 60
Norway 739 31 10 51 3
Switzerland 706 31 22 47 0
United Kingdom 463 27 17 41 15
Montenegro 530 5 0 0 88
North Macedonia 412 - - - 73
Albania 462 18 - 5 77
Serbia 319 0 0 0 87
Turkey 424 11 0 0 82
Bosnia and Herzegovina 356 - - - 76
Kosovo 226 - - - 100


  1. eurostat, 2013: eurostat Statistics Explained - Glossary:Municipal waste , Last access 2021-08-03. https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/statistics-explained/index.php?title=Glossary:Municipal_waste
  2. eurostat, 2021: Municipal waste by waste management operations [env_wasmun] , Last access 2021-08-02. https://appsso.eurostat.ec.europa.eu/nui/show.do?dataset=env_wasmun&lang=en