Decision support tool

From Tech4Biowaste
Revision as of 07:22, 26 January 2023 by Lars Krause (talk | contribs)
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On this page you have access to the decision support tool (DST). This tool will help users to compare technology alternatives and/or select the most suitable technology to transform a specific group of feedstocks into a specific group of products.

Decision support tool (DST)
21-04-27 Tech4Biowaste sq-n.png Legend

Biochemical processes and technologies
Chemical processes and technologies
Material processes and technologies
Thermochemical processes and technologies
Other processes and technologies

Food waste Garden and park waste Gases Other
Product 2G sugar Food related wastestreams Industrial side streams - Glycerol Industrial side streams - Paper & cardboard Industrial side streams - Plastic waste Industrial side streams - Process waters Industrial side streams - Oils & derivates Bark Cellulose Lignin Woody sidestreams CO CO2 H2 Syngas Waste gases Formic acid HMF MSW Small organic molecules
Chemicals - Agriculture
Chemicals - Bulk chemicals
Chemicals - Enzymes
Chemicals - Personal & home care
Chemicals - Polymer monomers & building blocks
Chemicals - Specialty chemicals
Energy & Fuels - Biogas
Energy & fuels - Fuel additives
Energy & fuels - Heat & electricity
Energy & fuels - Liquid fuels
Food ingredients