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=== Biogas Plus ===
=== Biogas Plus ===
{{Infobox provider-digester|Company=Biogas Plus|Webpage=https://www.biogasplus.nl|Country=Venray (NL)|Reactor=Complete mix digester|Capacity=18.000 tons (input), 320.000 Nm3 green gas/year (output).|Feedstock=Animal Manure|Product=Green gas|TRL=9|Technology name=Compact Plus}}
{{Infobox provider-anaerobic digestion|Company=Biogas Plus|Webpage=https://www.biogasplus.nl|Country=Venray (NL)|Reactor=Complete mix digester|Capacity=18.000 tons (input), 320.000 Nm3 green gas/year (output).|Feedstock=Animal Manure|Product=Green gas|TRL=9|Technology name=Compact Plus}}

=== Host ===
=== Host ===

=== Planet Biogas ===
=== Planet Biogas ===
{{Infobox provider-digester|Company=PlanEt Biogas Group GmbH|Webpage=https://www.planet-biogas.com|Country=Vreden (DE)|Technology name=PlanET|TRL=9|Reactor=Complete mix digester (modular)|Feedstock=Animal manure, biogenic waste materials|Product=Green gas, heat & electricity}}
{{Infobox provider-anaerobic digestion|Company=PlanEt Biogas Group GmbH|Webpage=https://www.planet-biogas.com|Country=Vreden (DE)|Technology name=PlanET|TRL=9|Reactor=Complete mix digester (modular)|Feedstock=Animal manure, biogenic waste materials|Product=Green gas, heat & electricity}}

=== Envitec ===
=== Envitec ===
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