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596 bytes added ,  12:05, 12 October 2022
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=== B4Plastics ===
{{Infobox provider-polymerisation|Company=B4Plastics|Country=Belgium|Contact=contact@b4plastics.com
+32(08)9231131|Webpage=https://b4plastics.com|Technology name=Polymerisation|TRL=4-5|Capacity=multi-kg, typical quantities are between 1 and 100 kg|Catalyst=not relevant|Residence time=not relevant|Temperature=not relevant|Feedstock=bio-based building blocks|Product=biobased, biodegradable plastics, COMPOST3D (3D filament), Biorix (biodegradable drinking straws)|Other=Service: Polymer Architects, that design optimal polymer from initial first grams to ton-scale supply}}

===Petron Scientech Inc. ===
===Petron Scientech Inc. ===
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