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=== Mastershred GmbH ===
=== Mastershred GmbH ===
=== Mastershred GmbH ===
{{Infobox provider-drying|Company=Mastershred GmbH|Country=Germany
|Contact=Raphael Barth, Managing Director, Tel.: 07173 186-140, Email: barth(at)mastershred.de
Michael Schubert, Managing Director, Tel.: 07173 186-70, Email: schubert(at)mastershred.de
|Webpage=https://mastershred.de/|Image=Mastershred Wort logo.png
|Technology name=Liquifying, Drying|TRL= |Capacity= |Feedstock=mixed biowaste|Product=
- Bio-Liquid for methane production
- dried and pressed briquettes for bioenergy}}
'''Mastershred''' offers a technology to valorize biowaste for energy supply. With a mobile compact plant in the size of a container they use novel shredding and squeezing process to produce three fractions from the biowaste:
* a bio-Liquid for methane production
* pressed material for composting, soil improvement or peat replacement
* dried and pressed briquettes for bioenergy
== Open access pilot and demo facility providers ==
== Open access pilot and demo facility providers ==
[https://biopilots4u.eu/database?field_technology_area_data_target_id=107&field_technology_area_target_id%5B88%5D=88&field_contact_address_value_country_code=All&field_scale_value=All&combine=&combine_1= Pilots4U Database]
[https://biopilots4u.eu/database?field_technology_area_data_target_id=107&field_technology_area_target_id%5B88%5D=88&field_contact_address_value_country_code=All&field_scale_value=All&combine=&combine_1= Pilots4U Database]
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